Hula Hoop for Men: 3 Reasons Why You Should All “Hula Hoop”

Hula hoop for men? Not a bad idea!PR/Business Insider Hula hoop is not only a nostalgic children’s toy, but also an effective fitness device that trains numerous muscles. Men can also benefit from the circular movements with the hoop: the training strengthens the entire body. A high-quality hula hoop is essential. We particularly like the […]

9 mins read

Hula Hoop Fitness: Quick Trick for a Flat Stomach and Slim Waist

Who doesn’t know the great toy from childhood: the hula hoop. Everyone has tried it at least once and tried to outdo their friends in the spins. What sounds like childish stuff is a serious fitness trend that primarily strengthens the core muscles. We’re talking about hula hoop! Even stars like BeyoncĂ©, Kate Upton, Liv […]

9 mins read