Care: Lauterbach warns of increasing numbers of people in need of care

At the beginning of the week, Federal Health Minister Lauterbach spoke of an explosive increase in the number of people in need of care. The trend is also increasing in Baden-Württemberg. Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) caused shock with his announcement at the beginning of the week. The number of people in need of […]

9 mins read

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach in an interview about financing care and rising contributions

Mr Lauterbach, there is a lot of talk about your hospital reform, including the planned strengthening of family doctors. But there are also many problems with nursing care insurance: Due to the shortage of skilled workers, finding a nursing service or a place in a home is becoming increasingly difficult. In addition, costs are rising […]

14 mins read

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach in an interview about financing care and rising contributions

Mr Lauterbach, there is a lot of talk about your hospital reform, including the planned strengthening of family doctors. But there are also many problems with nursing care insurance: Due to the shortage of skilled workers, finding a nursing service or a place in a home is becoming increasingly difficult. In addition, costs are rising […]

14 mins read

Lauterbach: Number of people in need of care is rising “explosively”

There is already a shortage of nursing staff – and the forecasts for future nursing needs are frightening. But now the figures are even more dramatic than expected. There is no relief in sight. Berlin. Despite a massive increase in the number of people in need of care, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) sees […]

8 mins read

Lauterbach sees “explosive” increase in the number of people in need of care

According to Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD), the number of people in need of care in Germany is rising unexpectedly quickly. “Demographically, only an increase of around 50,000 people would have been expected in 2023. But in reality, the Plus over 360,000Lauterbach told the “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland” and added: “We do not yet fully understand […]

8 mins read

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach in an RND interview about financing care and rising contributions

Mr Lauterbach, there is a lot of talk about your hospital reform, including the planned strengthening of family doctors. But there are also many problems with nursing care insurance: Due to the shortage of skilled workers, finding a nursing service or a place in a home is becoming increasingly difficult. In addition, costs are rising […]

13 mins read

Mental health: Karl Lauterbach presents a strategy for suicide prevention

The federal government wants to reduce the number of suicides in Germany with better prevention. Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) has presented a national suicide prevention strategy that is intended to serve this goal. Among other things, it provides for more information on this topic. “We have to overcome the social taboo of […]

11 mins read