How effectively can you really lose weight with the fitness method?

A few scented candles, a delicious fruit smoothie from Instagram, dimmed lights and the latest episode of your favourite series: this is no preparation for a relaxing evening on the couch, now it’s time to get on the treadmill. The fitness trend Cozy Cardio is shaking up our usual training routine. What is it about, […]

10 mins read

Can’t lose weight? Which foods slow down your metabolism

Losing weight isn’t working? Fattening substances slow down the metabolism – and we don’t notice it Today, 03.06.2024 | 12:59 FOCUS online/Wochit Metabolism decides: That’s why some people just don’t lose weight More than half of Germans are overweight. According to nutrition expert Golo Willand, one of the reasons for this is so-called fattening substances. […]

13 mins read

Lose weight healthily if you are obese by changing your diet | – Guide

As of: May 16, 2024 11:25 a.m If you are overweight, counting calories alone is not enough. If you want to lose weight, you have to bring structure to your meals and permanently change your diet: eat more of the right things, less of the wrong things. The only way to reduce weight in the […]

9 mins read