Diet consists of rice and meat: That is why Japanese often live to be 100 years old

Old and happy: Even though they eat rice and meat, Japanese often live to be 100 years old e-mail Split More Twitter Press Feedback Report an error Spotted an Error? Please highlight the relevant words in the text. With just two clicks you can report the error to the editors. There is no genetic engineering […]

9 mins read

Diet consists of rice and meat: That is why Japanese often live to be 100 years old

Old and happy Although they eat rice and meat – that’s why Japanese often live to be 100 years old Today, 31.05.2024 | 09:20 FOCUS online/Wochit Researchers find two factors that keep us healthy and mentally fit into old age In his search for the secret to a long life, nutritionist Malte Rubach came across […]

9 mins read

Myria Meat: Real meat without animals should encourage conscious eating

“We make meat without animals,” explains Myria Meat CEO Florian Hüttner. More precisely: his start-up produces pork without pigs having to die. What he does is called cultivated meat. This is identical to the meat that people eat today. However, it is grown directly from animal cells. The start-up, founded in 2022, has developed a […]

9 mins read

Nutrition of the future – Will we soon be eating meat and chocolate from the laboratory? – Knowledge

Tilo Hühn grew up on a farm and later worked as a farmer. Today he has largely swapped green nature for gray laboratories. As a professor of food technology, he researches the nutrition of the future at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Among other things, he came up with the idea for two […]

13 mins read

Diet for endometriosis: little meat, lots of greens | – Guide

Status: 11.03.2024 08:00 a.m. Endometriosis is caused by a chronic inflammatory process, so you should eat as little meat as possible. Foods that are not tolerated or foods that are high in histamine can also make symptoms worse. Endometriosis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease that affects millions of women in Germany. Hormone therapy is […]

10 mins read