Can’t lose weight? Which foods slow down your metabolism

Losing weight isn’t working? Fattening substances slow down the metabolism – and we don’t notice it Today, 03.06.2024 | 12:59 FOCUS online/Wochit Metabolism decides: That’s why some people just don’t lose weight More than half of Germans are overweight. According to nutrition expert Golo Willand, one of the reasons for this is so-called fattening substances. […]

13 mins read

Popular foods get your metabolism going quickly in the morning

FOCUS online/Wochit Delicious and healthy: perfect your breakfast with these ingredients Pepper, ginger and turmeric are known to boost the metabolism – but do you want these spices for breakfast? Not really. Instead, you’d rather have warm porridge, which also boosts the metabolism thanks to the high fiber content in the oats. And these breakfast […]

10 mins read