Nutrition: The subliminal culture war over cow’s milk

MIt makes tired men cheerful? The pleasant-sounding advertising slogan from the post-war years in West Germany sounds out of date today. In addition to flexitarians who consciously eat less meat, there are more and more Germans who drink less cow’s milk out of conviction. Experts see this abstinence from milk as more than just a […]

9 mins read

European elections 2024: Whoever votes makes the difference! – Your vote for nutrition

31.05.2024 – 09:00 ProVeg Germany European elections 2024: Whoever votes makes the difference! Your voice for nutrition Berlin, 31.05.2024 The European elections on June 9, 2024 are about nothing less than our food system and a sustainable future – from the European school milk program to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the Farm to […]

7 mins read

Nutrition: There is a subtle cultural battle raging over milk

MIt makes tired men cheerful? The pleasant-sounding advertising slogan from the post-war years in West Germany sounds out of date today. In addition to flexitarians who consciously eat less meat, there are more and more Germans who drink less cow’s milk out of conviction. Experts see this abstinence from milk as more than just a […]

9 mins read

Grilling is becoming more feminine: Trends around grill and burner | Nutrition

A battery of sausages, a couple of neck steaks, and a garlic baguette you bought yourself: these three ingredients and a round charcoal grill with three legs for 20 euros – is that all you need to be happy? That may have been true at one time. But today, you’re unlikely to impress your friends […]

12 mins read

Nutrition: Cheers to pulses

What traditionally ends up on German plates is often not the best choice. Neither for the eaters nor for the planet they live on. A different diet would be good for our health and would also be more resource-efficient, as the German Nutrition Society (DGE) recently found in its new recommendations for omnivores, i.e. people […]

8 mins read