Virtual medicine: How has telehealth improved the lives of people with substance disorders? | Health

From the driver’s seat of his parked truck, Lewis recalls what it felt like to take opioids. He was prescribed Vicodin after getting his wisdom teeth removed at age 15, he says, which jumpstarted an addiction he’s battled for nearly two decades. (Lewis’ last name has been omitted for concerns regarding his medical privacy.) “I […]

11 mins read

Washington University School of Medicine Researchers Find Accelerated Aging May be Contributing to an Increase in Early-onset Cancers among Young People

More research into accelerated aging may lead to new clinical laboratory and anatomic pathology testing biomarkers for early-onset cancer Could accelerated aging be contributing to the rise in early-onset cancer rates among younger individuals? A recent study conducted at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis (WUSTL) claims the condition may be partially […]

8 mins read

Young people are still suffering from the consequences of the corona pandemic to this day

exclusive As of: April 25, 2024 6:00 a.m Thousands of young people are still suffering from the after-effects of the corona pandemic. The school closures in particular have affected them. The result: a massive increase in mental illnesses. By J. Arendt, L. Polanz and A. Pollmeier. By Janine Arendt, Lutz Polanz and Achim Pollmeier, WDR. […]

8 mins read

How it affects young people when they have to care for relatives in their youth

February 26, 2024, 6:24 p.m. They are young and yet have grown up early – children and young people who care for others. Nationwide, on average, up to two students per class care for their sick or disabled family members. In addition to school, they have free time and are growing up. Ronja (13) and […]

10 mins read

More and more young people in SH feel psychologically stressed – News

As of: January 18, 2024 3:07 p.m Before the corona pandemic, one in five young people felt psychologically stressed; today it is almost one in three. Getting a place for therapy is almost impossible. Experts are calling for young people to be better supported through a “mental health” subject. by Corinna Below The high school […]

9 mins read

Many people find loneliness a psychological burden

October 10, 2023, 5:00 a.m More than a quarter of MDRfragt participants who pay attention to their mental health find the feeling of loneliness to be a psychological burden. This is particularly the case among the youngest respondents. From the perspective of the survey participants, stress, fears and high pressure of expectations have the greatest […]

13 mins read