‘The problems in care are obvious to everyone’ – Quotenmeter.de

The new “Ein starkes Team” should bring top ratings for ZDF again. In the Quotenmeter interview, the author also talks about the programming of the series. Your new feature film “Ein starkes Team” is being shown alongside the European Athletics Championships on Saturday evening. Are you pleased that there is a different programme as a […]

11 mins read

Gender change as a false solution to psychological problems

When children and young people feel unwell during puberty, the solution in more and more cases is sex reassignment. However, the problem for many young people is not that they were born in the wrong body – but that they have psychological problems. This was the case, for example, with 17-year-old Katherine from Scotland, as […]

10 mins read

Mental health problems at work? How an immediate counselor can help

The immediate advisors also provide assistance over the phone.Image: IMAGO/Panthermedia Jobs with a future In our series “Jobs with a Future” we take a look at jobs that are particularly exciting. Because they are new, future-proof or simply different. Or because they make the world better in some way. In medicine, first aid means intervening […]

11 mins read

Psychological problems in football: When fear plays a role – football

Lina Bürger, ex-professional footballer and Hoffenheim sports psychologist, found out in a study: In winter, at the beginning of the second half of the season, players feel worse psychologically. Lina Bürger was 11 when national soccer player Sebastian Deisler ended his career at the beginning of 2007 due to psychological problems. Almost three years later, […]

9 mins read