Heynckes and Rolfes protect Bayern’s fitness boss Dr. Broich

Professor Dr. Holger Broich is being criticized at FC Bayern because of the team’s physical condition. Now several of the long-time fitness boss’s colleagues are coming to the support of the kicker. When analyzing the 2023/24 season, which ended without a title, the fitness of the players was also discussed at FC Bayern Munich, long […]

9 mins read

How two tablespoons of olive oil a day protect against heart attack and stroke

Anyone who studies olive oil and its effects on health will come across tongue twisters from chemistry books. The most important are tyrosol and hydroxytyrosol. Like resveratrol, they belong to the group of polyphenols. In the human body, they act as antioxidants, protect cells and keep blood vessels supple. Olive oil, at least the really […]

12 mins read

Goodbye peanut allergy: How to protect your children effectively

31.05.2024, 17:02 4 mins For years it was thought that children prone to allergies should avoid peanut products. Now a study shows the opposite: early habituation can protect against allergies – in the long term The results of this long-term study turn previous recommendations on how to deal with allergies on their head: Early contact […]

9 mins read

War, crises, fear: How can we protect our mental health?

Fear of the future, brooding, exhaustion: ongoing crises such as climate change or international conflicts can put a heavy strain on our psyche. How can we protect ourselves? Psychologist Dr. Alena Rentsch explains in an interview. From climate change to the pandemic to the economic crisis or wars and conflicts: the news gives many people […]

9 mins read