How “Young Carer” aims to support young adults in caring for their relatives

Nadjila Bendig-Behrens knows the situation of young caring relatives from her own experience. In an interview with the Sonntagsblatt newspaper, the 32-year-old health and care manager talks about her personal experiences caring for her sick mother and the goals of the “Young Carer Coach” project run by the “An Deiner Seite – Gerhard und Gertrud […]

8 mins read

Becoming visible – Caring relatives are the silent heroes of everyday life – Rhönkanal

Relatives, friends, neighbors – in Thuringia alone, more than 220,000 people provide valuable help to those in need of care every day in the form of home care. However, these services are still barely visible in public perception and those affected do not receive enough support themselves. The Thuringian Caregiving Week wants to change this […]

7 mins read

Brandenburg Berlin: Many caring relatives face existential worries and poverty

Status: 27.05.2024 09:03 a.m. Being in need of care is not only stressful for those affected, but also for the people who look after them. One in five family carers is at risk of poverty, and one in four women caring for their children is at risk. Politicians are called upon to act. By Christina […]

8 mins read

On average, relatives work full time – unpaid

The numbers sound almost unbelievable – once you realize what that means: Caring relatives currently work an average of 49 hours per week for their sick family members. And this time frame applies only to caring activities such as personal hygiene, feeding or administering medication, as the health insurance company AOK reported on Tuesday. Caring […]

10 mins read

WIdOmonitor: Caring relatives spend an average of 49 hours per week on…

Berlin (ots) Survey shows: Almost one in four primary carers between the ages of 18 and 65 have reduced or completely given up their employment due to taking on home care Caring relatives still spend a lot of time providing care at home: While respondents reported 43 hours per week in 2019, in 2023 this […]

8 mins read

Relatives report dramatic conditions in a Berlin nursing home

Operator Domicil under criticism – Relatives report dramatic conditions in a Berlin nursing home Mon 04/29/24 | 08:38 am | From Christina Fee Möbus and Andrea Everwien dpa/Christophe Gateau Video: rbb24 Abendschau | April 29, 2024 | A. Everwien | Picture: dpa/Christophe Gateau After the recent incidents in a Berlin nursing home, allegations are again […]

8 mins read

How it affects young people when they have to care for relatives in their youth

February 26, 2024, 6:24 p.m. They are young and yet have grown up early – children and young people who care for others. Nationwide, on average, up to two students per class care for their sick or disabled family members. In addition to school, they have free time and are growing up. Ronja (13) and […]

10 mins read