Diet consists of rice and meat: That is why Japanese often live to be 100 years old

Old and happy: Even though they eat rice and meat, Japanese often live to be 100 years old e-mail Split More Twitter Press Feedback Report an error Spotted an Error? Please highlight the relevant words in the text. With just two clicks you can report the error to the editors. There is no genetic engineering […]

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Diet consists of rice and meat: That is why Japanese often live to be 100 years old

Old and happy Although they eat rice and meat – that’s why Japanese often live to be 100 years old Today, 31.05.2024 | 09:20 FOCUS online/Wochit Researchers find two factors that keep us healthy and mentally fit into old age In his search for the secret to a long life, nutritionist Malte Rubach came across […]

9 mins read