Becoming visible – Caring relatives are the silent heroes of everyday life – Rhönkanal

Relatives, friends, neighbors – in Thuringia alone, more than 220,000 people provide valuable help to those in need of care every day in the form of home care. However, these services are still barely visible in public perception and those affected do not receive enough support themselves. The Thuringian Caregiving Week wants to change this […]

7 mins read

Stop being silent about mental health in the workplace!

War in Ukraine and the Middle East, political and financial uncertainty – these current events have an immense impact on our mental health. Nevertheless, in most companies there seems to be little discussion about these topics and their effects. This silence is fatal because psychological well-being in the workplace plays a crucial role in the […]

10 mins read

Mental health – Depression in men: Talk about it instead of remaining lonely and silent – Knowledge

Efficient, unflappable, successful: what a man should be like is often determined by stereotypes. The now 28-year-old professional footballer Francisco Rodriguez also got caught up in this role model. Until his psyche couldn’t cope anymore. Steep career, deep fall Even at a young age, he was predicted to have a great football career. The Zurich […]

9 mins read