Klaus Holetschek on the nursing emergency, debureaucratization, social issues

Since the Bavarian state elections in 2023, Holetschek has led the CSU parliamentary group in the Maximilianeum – since then, he has been heard from much less in public. Holetschek has become more powerful as a result of his job change. Nothing can be done against him and his party in Bavaria; even Markus Söder […]

15 mins read

Pact for Care | Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Integration and Consumer Protection

The state parliament plenum debated the topic today in a current affairs session “Tackling the challenges of care policy: Brandenburg’s “Pact for Care” – a nationwide model?” Social Minister Ursula Nonnemacher said in her speech: “The Ensuring nursing care In view of demographic developments, this is one of the greatest socio-political challenges of our time. […]

13 mins read