On average, relatives work full time – unpaid

The numbers sound almost unbelievable – once you realize what that means: Caring relatives currently work an average of 49 hours per week for their sick family members. And this time frame applies only to caring activities such as personal hygiene, feeding or administering medication, as the health insurance company AOK reported on Tuesday. Caring […]

10 mins read

Counting steps or focusing on training time – which is better?

Home page Life fitness Was standing: May 21, 2024, 5:47 p.m From: Alexandra Grauvogl PressSplit Fitness trackers and smartwatches measure, among other things, steps and training time. © IMAGO / Pond5 Images Smartwatches, cell phone apps and fitness trackers are popular for measuring daily steps. But how useful are step goals compared to time-based training […]

8 mins read

Solutions to the psychological suffering of adolescents: “adjust” and take the time

En five years, the mental health of young people has deteriorated considerably. This is the observation drawn up in April by Public Health France after a study of 9,300 high school students.·born and middle school·nes. A quarter of high school students·nes questioned·They indicate having had suicidal thoughts during the last twelve months, which concern many […]

9 mins read

Nutrition: What role does the time of day play when eating? | Guide | We in Bavaria | BR Television | Television

It was previously assumed that the time of day had no influence on metabolism and that it therefore made no difference when a calorie was consumed during the day. However, surveys of overweight subjects showed that weight control throughout the day was more larger breakfast easier and the feeling of fullness lasts longer throughout the […]

8 mins read