With Dirty Wellness you can lose weight without the stress of fitness

Detox, protein shakes, gym routine and always happy: The wellness content on Instagram and TikTok puts a lot of pressure on you. If you can’t manage the 20 facial massages in the morning and forget the glass of water before your coffee, you’ll often feel guilty. But now there’s a countermovement – dirty wellness is […]

9 mins read

With Dirty Wellness you lose your kilos without fitness stress

Detox, protein shakes, gym routine and always happy: The wellness content on Instagram and TikTok puts a lot of pressure on you. If you can’t manage the 20 facial massages in the morning and forget the glass of water before your coffee, you’ll often feel guilty. But now there’s a countermovement – dirty wellness is […]

9 mins read

With Dirty Wellness you lose your kilos without fitness stress

Detox, protein shakes, gym routine and always happy: The wellness content on Instagram and TikTok puts a lot of pressure on you. If you can’t manage the 20 facial massages in the morning and forget the glass of water before your coffee, you’ll often feel guilty. But now there’s a countermovement – dirty wellness is […]

9 mins read

With Dirty Wellness you can lose weight without the stress of fitness

Detox, protein shakes, gym routine and always happy: The wellness content on Instagram and TikTok puts a lot of pressure on you. If you can’t manage the 20 facial massages in the morning and forget the glass of water before your coffee, you’ll often feel guilty. But now there’s a countermovement – dirty wellness is […]

9 mins read

The health risks of generative AI-based wellness apps

Catsaros, O. Generative AI to become a $1.3 trillion market by 2032, research finds. Bloomberg https://www.bloomberg.com/company/press/generative-ai-to-become-a-1-3-trillion-market-by-2032-research-finds/ (1 June 2023). Kanagaraj, M. Here’s why mental healthcare is so unaffordable & how COVID-19 might help change this. Harvard Medical School Primary Care Review https://info.primarycare.hms.harvard.edu/review/mental-health-unaffordable (2020). Terlizzi, EP & Schiller, JS Mental health treatment among adults aged 18–44: […]

7 mins read