That’s why you won’t lose weight despite regular exercise
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That’s why you won’t lose weight despite regular exercise

The motivation is there, you exercise several times a week and yet your weight loss goal is still a long way off? When the scale just doesn’t want to follow suit, it’s frustrating. Before despair sets in, you should take a closer look at your routine. There are various reasons that prevent rapid weight loss despite sufficient exercise.

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How do fat loss and weight loss work?

Weight loss occurs when your body burns more calories than it consumes. This Calorie deficit You can achieve this through a combination of healthy eating and exercise. If your body is in a deficit, in the best case scenario it will resort to it fat reserves back so that he has enough energy for the day. In order to be able to control the weight loss process, you should Basal metabolic rate know. This is the amount of energy that the body needs when at rest to maintain all vital processes. It accounts for 50 to 70 percent of the total energy requirement. With the right training, you can increase your basal metabolic rate, which leads to faster weight loss. Here you can calculate the basal metabolic rate and calorie requirement for yourself, as both depend on individual factors.

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7 mistakes that keep you from losing weight despite training

If you’re just not losing weight despite starting a new exercise routine, or if you reach a plateau and don’t continue to lose weight, it may be that you’re exercising Mistake do. You need to avoid these seven training mistakes if you want to lose weight:

Mistake number 1: You don’t have a routine and don’t move enough in everyday life

If you only jog for 20 minutes every now and then, it won’t get you there. Anyone who hasn’t done any sport for a long time often finds it difficult to get a routine into their training. continuity However, it is important to lose weight successfully. It’s best to create a training plan with fixed sports days that are reserved for longer training sessions or the gym. Additionally, you can try more Movement in everyday life to integrate. If you take the stairs more often or go for a walk during your lunch break, you give your metabolism a little boost every time – and that helps you lose weight.

Mistake #2: You avoid strength training

It is a common misconception that only cardio exercise helps you lose weight. Units on the ergometer or treadmill burn more calories during training, but the right fat burner is Strength training. You build muscle mass with strength training. Muscles are very metabolically active, which means they need to be constantly supplied with nutrients. Therefore, even after exercise, they consume calories at rest, which is called Afterburn effect (Afterburn effect). The more muscle you have, the higher your basal metabolic rate, which leads to the loss of body fat. One pound of muscle consumes approximately 13 calories per day. Do you take care of three kilos? Muscle buildingyou burn almost 300 calories per week without having to do any extra training.

Mistake number 3: You eat too little

Some people reduce theirs Calorie intake drastic to lose weight. However, this can be counterproductive. Those who don’t eat enough are often tired and in a bad mood and find it difficult to get up for the next exercise session. In addition, if the calorie intake is too low, the body can go into one Crisis mode switch. Fearing starvation, he clings to fat reserves because they provide the most energy. Instead, it taps into other sources, such as muscle mass. This means you won’t lose any fat despite calorie restriction and training. By the way, this is also the reason for the yo-yo effect. Therefore, make sure you eat enough and balanced food. meals Proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats provide the body with sufficient energy. During a diet, you should not save more than 300 to 500 calories a day in order to lose weight sustainably and healthily. And don’t forget to drink water – it supports digestion and the weight loss process.

Mistake number 4: You don’t get into a calorie deficit

We remember: In order to lose weight successfully, a calorie deficit is necessary. Maybe you underestimate the calories you consume every day? It can help if you keep a food or diet diary. If the body daily too many calories Sport cannot counteract this. Think about the calories in foods and read them in the supermarket Nutritional Information. Supposedly healthy light products in particular often contain a lot of calories because they replace fat with sugar.

People tend to overestimate how many calories you burn while exercising. That’s why they often eat too much after training, which makes a calorie deficit impossible. This phenomenon has even been scientifically proven. In 2019, a US research team wanted to find out in a study why some people don’t lose weight despite exercising. 171 overweight people were divided into three groups. Group one led their lives as before, group two did moderate exercise that burned eight calories per kilo of their own weight. Group three accelerated and had to burn 20 calories per kilo of their own weight. The result after six months: Group two and group three lost little or no weight compared to group one. they took more calories to themselves, since they have one greater appetite and believed that sport offered enough compensation for unhealthy eating. So always remember: 20 minutes of cross training is strenuous, but it only consumes about as many calories as a banana.

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Mistake number 5: You lose the fun

If you only focus on weight during workouts or only look at speed when running, for example, you will quickly lose motivation. Sport should Fun do, that’s why it’s important Variety get into training and change sports and exercises. So you won’t get bored. Also put the focus on Health and well-being, because the scales are not a good guide. Our weight fluctuates every day, and muscles weigh more than fat. It’s better to check your progress every now and then with the tape measure. You will notice that your body will become tighter, even if the scales show no difference. Such successes ensure that you have fun and are motivated to do sports.

Mistake number 6: You have too much stress

The job demands you, the house blessings at home are awry and then the training plan also causes stress in your daily routine. So it won’t work with losing weight, because Stress can make you fat. During stressful phases, the body releases more hormones Cortisol out of. This prevents fat loss and attacks muscle mass. So don’t torture yourself to exercise. If your body needs a break, give it one. regeneration is important for building muscle, improving performance and not losing motivation. Here are even more tips on how you can reduce stress in everyday life.

Mistake number 7: Your goals are not realistic

Unrealistic goals prevent success when it comes to both losing weight and training. It is neither possible to lose ten kilos in four weeks nor to run a marathon as an untrained person. Sit down realistic milestone goalsthat you can reach more easily. This is how you get your sense of achievement and stay on track. The biggest fitness mistake is giving up too early.

Delicious recipe ideas for your diet

With these recipes you can support your training and lose weight successfully:

Conclusion: Avoid fitness mistakes and lose weight successfully

Training is the right approach to losing weight successfully. If you exercise regularly, monitor your calorie intake and avoid stress, the scale should also reflect your effort. Avoid the biggest fitness mistakes and, above all, keep them Enjoy sports. If you still can’t lose weight, you should medical check do to rule out physical causes.

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