The M&A takeover carousel is turning faster and faster in the psychedelics sector!
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The M&A takeover carousel is turning faster and faster in the psychedelics sector!

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Positive developments not only in American cannabis stocks – psychedelic stocks have also had tailwind in recent weeks due to a series of positive news. With this fund you are there.

Dear readers,

three biotech companies with a focus on the development of psychedelic drug candidates GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund (WKN: A2P2FA) were the target of M&A takeovers in August!

The fund management continues to see great potential in next-generation drugs based on psychedelic active ingredients. Promising companies from this specialist biotech area therefore continue to represent a core investment theme in the fund.

The fixed assets currently include: 12 promising titles from this special sector.

Target 1: Reunion Neuroscience Inc.

On August 1, 2023, the business combination of Reunion Neuroscience and MPM BioImpact was announced.

Target 2: Mindset Pharma Inc.

On August 31, 2023, the Japanese biopharmaceutical company announced Otsuka announced that it was the Canadian company Mindset Pharma for $80 million CAD will acquire.

The Mindset share price has been rallying since the beginning of April 0.22 to over 0.70 CAD lie down.

Target 3: Small Pharma Inc.

Cybin Inc. announced on August 28, 2023 that it will acquire Small Pharma Inc.

The IP portfolios of both companies include a total of 28 patents and 158 pending patents in the area of ​​psychedelic drug candidates.

New momentum for psychedelics titles also comes from a new JAMA publication on the effectiveness of psilocybin for depression

On August 31, 2023, positive results were reported from a clinical study by the Usuna Institute (Link study results here) of the psychedelic active ingredient psilocybin was published.

According to the randomized trial, a single 25 mg dose of psilocybin administered with psychosocial support compared to a 100 mg dose of niacin placebo administered using an identical protocol was associated with a clinically and statistically significant reduction in depressive symptoms and an improvement in measures of depression associated with functional limitations.

These results add to evidence that psilocybin – when administered with psychological support – may hold promise as a novel intervention for MDD (Major Depression Disorder).

There are currently a total of 12 psychedelic-related stocks in the GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund’s assets.

Trust in the expertise and experience of the portfolio management team GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund. With a strategic investment in the GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund, you are investing in an actively managed basket of promising cannabis and psychedelic stocks that particularly benefit from global megatrends. This fund is the world’s first listed mutual fund with an exclusive focus on psychedelics and cannabis stocks.

The strategically diversified investment portfolio consists of approximately 30-40 attractive companies to enable balanced risk diversification and reduce the possibility of a total loss. With the help of a multi-stage stock selection process, as well as sophisticated risk management, with clearly defined technical chart entry and exit signals, we try to achieve the optimum for your investment.

With the GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund you are betting on two strong investment trends with a broadly diversified basket of cannabis and psychedelics companies.

Background information on the GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund:

The expert team of GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund (WKN: A2P2FA) analyzes the trends in the cannabis and psychedelics sector for you and allocates to the most attractive companies in the two investment megatrends. The stock selection process includes, among other things, an in-depth analysis of the balance sheet and the technical chart situation of each stock with clearly defined entry and exit points. Reacting quickly to company and industry news is essential for sustainable investment success in this still relatively young sector!

The fund currently has 37 securities in its investment assets. Trust the high level of expertise and many years of experience of the fund management – please read further information here:

Trust the high level of expertise and many years of experience of the fund management and enjoy reading further information about the fund here.

Further information about the fund can be found here on the website of IFM Independent Fund Management AG.

Short profile of the fund:


GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Fund

Fund type:

Undertaking for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS/UCITS) /

(suitable as a UCITS target fund)





Ticker Bloomberg:


Ticker Germany:


Issue fee:

Max. 5% (100% discount on the issue premium

Use of profits:


Management compensation:

1.30% per annum

Performance fee:

15%, hurdle rate 6% and high watermark

Asset manager of the UCITS:

First Capital Management Group GmbH


Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG

Management company:

IFM Independent Fund Management AG

Information point for investors in Germany:

Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers AG
Kaiserstrasse 24, D-60311 Frankfurt am Main

You can track current fund prices on, among others:

Risk notice / conflict of interest:

wallstreet:online capital AG, which sells the fund, and its main shareholder, wallstreet:online AG, own registered shares in the issuer GF Global Fund SICAV. The fund manager Carsten Ringler owns shares in the GF Global Cannabis Opportunity Funds. The stocks mentioned in the article, Small Pharma Inc. and Cybin Inc., are currently in the fund’s investment assets.

All information published is for your information only and does not constitute investment advice or other recommendations. Long-term experience and awards do not guarantee investment success. Securities are subject to market-related price fluctuations, which may not be able to be offset by the active management of the asset manager or investment advisor. This information cannot replace a consultation. All information has been provided with care and to the best of our knowledge in accordance with the state of knowledge at the time of creation. Despite all care, the data may have changed in the meantime. Further information on opportunities and risks can be found on the website and The sales prospectus and further information are available free of charge in German from the management company IFM Independent Fund Management AG (Link). The asset manager of the UCITS is First Capital Management Group GmbH, Munich. The depository is the Liechtensteinische Landesbank AG.

Values ​​included: LI0507461338,NL0015000DX5,CA60255C8850

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