The MCAT test for admission to medicine schools
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The MCAT test for admission to medicine schools

The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is a standardized test to check suitability for studying medicine abroad. It has been used for over 80 years to select prospective medical students in the USA and Canada The MCAT is administered by the test provider Prometric on behalf of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), to which most medical schools at U.S. and Canadian universities are affiliated.

Target group of the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)

With the MCAT, participants must prove that they are suitable for studying medicine.

While in Germany you can start studying medicine directly after school, in the USA and Canada it is not possible to study medicine directly after High School at a Medical School to apply. Instead, a Bachelor’s degreeOnly after this follows the usually four-year medical degree, which leads to the MD (Medical Doctor) is completed.

Many US and Canadian students choose a science major for their bachelor’s degree or even take a so-called Pre-Med Programwhich is designed to prepare students for their future medical studies. In principle, the application is Medical School however Bachelor graduates from all disciplines open.

Against this background, it is understandable that the Medical Schools use a test such as the MCAT to select their applicants. It is an important criterion to better assess the suitability and skills of the applicants, who may have very different professional backgrounds. compare For this reason, both domestic and international applicants must take the test.

Examination content and test structure of the MCAT

The MCAT tests the following three areas:

  • Physics and Chemistry (Physical Sciences)
  • Biology (Biological Sciences)
  • Verbal Reasoning

It lasts a total of about 4 hours and 5 minutes and consists mainly of Multiple choice questions.

The questions in the area of Physical Sciences test problem-solving skills in the general areas of these two basic disciplines. 70 minutes are available for this.

The area of Verbal Reasoning takes 60 minutes. The questions test reading comprehension based on given text passages. The texts can come from the humanities, social sciences or natural sciences and do not require any special knowledge. However, a good basic knowledge is certainly helpful.

The exam part on the Biological Sciences lasts 70 minutes and includes questions on the basics of biology and organic chemistry.

Trial Section

Until 2013, there was an additional examination section – the Writing SampleHowever, this has since been abolished. In its place is the so-called Trial Section This voluntary test section lasts 45 minutes and is not included in the score. The Trial Section contains questions for future test versions, which will be tested under realistic conditions.

MCAT scoring scale

Each of the three parts of the exam is based on a Scale from 1 (low) to 15 (high) The total score (Total Score) consists of the sum of the three individual scores. The optional Trial Section is not graded, but test takers themselves receive feedback on their performance in this area if they work seriously on the tasks.

Retaking the MCAT

It is possible to retake the MCAT to improve your score, but the test can may only be taken up to three times within 12 monthsIf you feel immediately after taking the MCAT that it did not go well, you can delete the test immediately. This way, it will not be evaluated at all and will not be included in the maximum number of tests possible each year.

Preparation for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test)

One thorough and long-term preparation for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is essential. Many local students begin preparing specifically and intensively for the MCAT early in their bachelor’s degree. Admission to the Medical Schools in the USA and Canada is highly competitive. The competition is fierce, especially since only a small proportion of the places at medical schools are given to international applicants each year.

But it is not just the content preparation that is important. In the unfamiliar test situation, you should also know as precisely as possible what to expect. That is why participants should also familiarize themselves with the Test structure and assessment methods deal with.

The AAMC offers various learning aids for preparation on the MCAT. The MCAT website also provides free access to the subject areas that are tested in the MCAT. However, for a fee, you can also view the Official Guide or that Official MCAT Self-Assessment Package acquire.

Test centers, exam dates and registration

The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered several times a year in Germany at various test centers. Unfortunately, there is currently no test center in Austria and Switzerland. List of all test centers worldwide and the current examination dates are available via the MCAT Scheduling and Registration System To do this, you must first register on Prometric’s official MCAT website. You can then register for the test itself in the same way.

A registration at least four weeks in advance is recommended. The organizer AAMC divides the registration deadlines into:

  • a gold zone (about four weeks in advance)
  • a silver zone (about three to four weeks in advance)
  • a bronze zone (about one to two weeks in advance)

The later you register, the less flexibility you have in case the exam date has to be changed again.

When choosing the exam date, it is also important to Application deadlines for Medical Schools to consider the dates on which you should apply. It can take 30 to 35 days for the MCAT results to be available.

MCAT costs and financing options

The registration fee for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is US$ 275 if you register in the Gold or Silver zone. If you register in the Bronze zone, the fee is US$ 325. In addition, there is an international fee of US$ 90 for exams outside the USA. In total, the exam fees are therefore US$ 365 to US$ 415Payment of fees is currently only possible online by credit card possible.

Official MCAT website:

MCAT preparation courses

  • Medicalschoolinsidetrack – Proven Successful Medical School Admissions System from a Former UCLA Admissions Committee Member (fee required)

Book recommendations for MCAT preparation

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