‘The problems in care are obvious to everyone’ – Quotenmeter.de
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‘The problems in care are obvious to everyone’ – Quotenmeter.de

The new “Ein starkes Team” should bring top ratings for ZDF again. In the Quotenmeter interview, the author also talks about the programming of the series.

Your new feature film “Ein starkes Team” is being shown alongside the European Athletics Championships on Saturday evening. Are you pleased that there is a different programme as a precursor?

I am convinced that placing feature films is a science in itself. Something like this requires special experience and probably also the possession of a crystal ball, which I as an author do not have. It is not just a matter of keeping an eye on current events, such as the European Championship in this example, and of keeping an eye on the calendar, but also of evaluating the alternative programme. But perhaps a major sporting event will actually attract those viewers who have not previously put their faith in the “strong team”. The format has existed since 1994; a huge marathon, in my opinion. It is all the more remarkable that there are no signs of fatigue. Which is certainly “sporting” and in that sense fits your question.

The counter-program is not a crime thriller competition, but “Schlagerboom Open Air” with Florian Silbereisen. Will this lead to an increase in the reach of “Ein starkes Team”?
As I said, without a crystal ball, as a layman I can only guess and speculate. If you like crime dramas, you don’t want to listen to pop music; such calculations and predictions would certainly not be that easy. But I can tell you this much: in the episode “Death of a Nurse” there is no singing, dancing or music. If you want to see a “whodunit”, switch on ZDF at that time. That would be my tip.

In the new film “Death of a Nurse” you deal with a number of sensitive topics. Among other things, you address the subject of suicide. How important was this topic to you?
We try to tell themes and worlds that are close to the audience and depict parts of normal life. This also includes times of inner despair. In this episode, a previous suicide plays a role in the background of the characters and is not the central theme. Nevertheless, it is important to take something like this seriously in every case. When you tell stories that are close to the audience’s reality, you inevitably touch on real experiences and feelings. You should keep that in mind and handle it responsibly.

Working conditions also play an important role in nursing. To what extent does your book look at this?
The problems in care are obvious to everyone. It’s about more than just a lack of money or the shortage of workers, which is undeniable. It’s about aging, dignity and perspective. It’s easy to forget the most important thing: we’re all getting older and older. At some point, everyone will need this valuable help. It’s inevitable, it might not sound nice, but it’s true. What options are there and how can you protect yourself? How do you plan for your old age given the obvious deficiencies in the system? That’s definitely the subject of the film. And that includes both sides. It’s not just about residents, but also about the nursing staff themselves, who can only be unhappy about the situation in nursing homes. I think we hit the right note with our film.

At the same time, it was exciting to consider what attitudes and ideas exist within the “Strong Team” on the subject of aging and care. And lo and behold, the characters Linett Wachow and Otto Garber have their own very own approaches. Even our Sputnik has something to say on this issue.

The Heinssen couple, who run the nursing home, are said to be guilty of inheritance fraud. Does this happen often?
Greed is a universal motive. Loneliness in old age invites people to seek inheritance. That is only logical. The criminal code does not have a specific paragraph on inheritance, but the nursing home laws apply. And they state that nursing homes, carers and their relatives are not allowed to accept inheritances from residents. Such laws would not exist if this form of inheritance did not exist. Or would they? If there is worthwhile “loot”, the law is broken. That is nothing new and is part of human nature. So I would boldly answer your question with a yes.

Did you do any research for this film? Did you visit several nursing homes?
I was able to draw on stories and experiences from relatives on this topic. Not so much from the patient’s point of view, but rather from the perspective of a geriatric nurse. Believe me, some of the descriptions make your hair stand on end. The main issue is a lack of time for the residents and their needs, a lack of respect and sometimes a failure to recognize the actual task, for which there is never enough; namely, to give older people a home, a refuge that often has to replace family.

But there are also the pleasant counter-examples, which we also tell in this crime episode. This is also based on observations: There is a retirement home near me that is actually a mixture of shared accommodation, elderly care and self-determination. Something like that can be a solution if you are alone in old age and cannot rely on your family.

Tanja Schleiff, Beat Marti and Helene Sattler have guest roles. Were you present at the casting process?
I find it very exciting to see how a book and its hundred pages are finally brought to life. Casting is one of the crucial steps, no question about it. However, I have to admit that as an outsider I cannot really understand what goes into these decisions. So I let myself be surprised and when you work with professionals you are not disappointed. This principle certainly applies to the “Ein Starkes Team” project.

Johannes Grieser took over the direction. Did he discuss certain points with you?
I have known Johannes Grieser since I started writing for ZDF. My first ZDF script («Tödliches Vertrauen», 2002) was made into a film under his direction. That was more than twenty years ago, but of course I will not forget it. Back then, we worked well together. And after all this time, I can say the same about this project. We have made several films together.

Although it’s almost a bit of a cliché, it does happen from time to time in our collaboration and should not go unmentioned: sometimes things get heated. Surprisingly, it’s usually over little things. But that’s part of working with Johannes. The end result is always a good film worth seeing, for which I can only be thankful. And that’s what matters to me.

Do you actually coordinate with Leo P. Ard to coordinate the different “Ein starkes Team” episodes?
As an author, you don’t just work away and surprise those around you with great, new ideas. With such a long-running, successful format, you need a strong team in the truest sense of the word, one that holds the threads together, sets a direction and coordinates the forces. My main contacts are the executive producer Vanessa Richter and the producer Simon Müller-Elmau, who handle everything from the material proposal to the revisions. This also applies to the adjustments that are necessary during production preparation. An exciting process, but not an easy job for the producers. This also applies to the broadcaster’s side, where Matthias Pfeifer, as editor-in-chief and coordinator for the Saturday crime series, provides crucial input. So I actually benefit from this experienced network, which is also a safety net. Because I have to admit, with 100 existing episodes of “Ein Starkes Team”, I, as a writer involved, sometimes lack an overview of what has already been told or was the topic. I also ask about certain characteristics or backgrounds of characters.

I see my writing colleague Leo P. Ard in video calls when it comes to the basic directions of the format. The “Leopard” Jürgen Pomorin is a bit ahead of me in this regard. I am secretly jealous of the speed and accuracy of his ideas from time to time. But especially of the fact that the best-rated episodes of “Starken Team” are in his CV and not in mine. But of course I am working diligently to end this little disgrace. Ha!

You have been on board for over ten years. Does it have any advantages that you and Leo P. Ard wrote almost 40 episodes, with a few exceptions?
Leo P. Ard has contributed significantly more books to the “Strong Team” than I have. I have to be honest with myself: I will never, ever, ever catch up with my colleague. But of course it is definitely an advantage if the team of writers is small. That has to do with “contact” with the characters and the narrative world. That way, a certain signature for the format is retained. And that should not be underestimated.

Thank you for the exciting answers!

“Ein starkes Team” will be broadcast on Saturday, June 8th, at 8:15 p.m.

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