Fitness: Why sports courses at adult education centers are completely underestimated

EThere are supposed to be people who are blessed with a warm flood of dopamine and serotonin when they exercise. Who feel exhilarated after their boxing, basketball or dance training, as if there was nothing better in life than exercise. Their entire body sends a kind of benevolent signal along the lines of: It was […]

11 mins read

Cardiologist Bruno Scheller in London with inter

image: The heart specialist Professor Bruno Scheller from the University of Saarland has developed the drug-coated balloon catheter, one of the most important therapy methods for narrowed blood vessels. At the “Global Cardiovascular Awards”, which were presented on the evening of March 14 in London, the doctor received the international excellence award for clinical research […]

9 mins read

Tour de Care is intended to show: “Care is more than just washing!”

“Yes, I have often said that I love my job,” says nursing student Isabel Ramich. She is in her third year of training at the Dillingen nursing school. Her training facility is the Heilig-Geist-Stift, a retirement home in Dillingen. The young woman wants to clear up one prejudice in particular: “People always say that we […]

9 mins read

Diet for endometriosis: little meat, lots of greens | – Guide

Status: 11.03.2024 08:00 a.m. Endometriosis is caused by a chronic inflammatory process, so you should eat as little meat as possible. Foods that are not tolerated or foods that are high in histamine can also make symptoms worse. Endometriosis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease that affects millions of women in Germany. Hormone therapy is […]

10 mins read

How does healthy eating work? | pharmacy magazine

Fat makes you fat, that’s what food experts have been preaching for decades. In order to feel full, you should consume plenty of carbohydrates. Today the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) look different and are more differentiated. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Watzl, DGE President and head of the DGE working group on food-related nutritional […]

9 mins read

Healthy nutrition: How blood values ​​can benefit

Blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.:Improve blood values ​​​​with nutrition by Christina-Maria Pfersdorf What you eat also influences your blood values. What they reveal about your state of health and how you can specifically improve your blood values ​​with the right diet. Nutritionist Brigitte Bäuerlein explains what to look out for when it comes to blood fats […]

8 mins read

Three app developers are shaping the future of education, fitness and health

March 2024 UPDATE Three app developers are shaping the future of education, fitness and health The creators of Boddle, Run Legends and Wysa — all graduates of the Apple Entrepreneur Camp — talk about how they help people with their innovative apps All over the world, developers are creating apps that break down barriers between […]

11 mins read

The work of psychologists at an Armenian telephone counseling service

“When the phone rings, I’m always excited,” says psychologist Lusine Babayan. “Who is calling? What kind of questions will he or she ask? What kind of problems will this person tell me about?” Lusine is one of ten staff members who answer calls at the psychological and psychosocial support hotline with support from the WHO […]

8 mins read