Mental health: 3 tips for mental strength in the home office

Mental illnesses are on the rise – and not just since Corona. Some companies are taking action against this.Photo: Mangostar – Digital working has been changing our everyday working lives for a long time, and not just since Corona. We are “always on” and have to deal with a significantly higher workload. With additional […]

9 mins read

Esophageal cancer: Proper nutrition in aftercare | – Guide

As of: February 5, 2024 3:30 p.m Symptoms caused by an esophagectomy can be alleviated with a protein-rich, plant-based and low-sugar diet. This can help those affected achieve a new quality of life. The treatment of esophageal cancer has serious consequences for food intake and digestion – especially if the esophagus has to be completely […]

9 mins read

More and more young people in SH feel psychologically stressed – News

As of: January 18, 2024 3:07 p.m Before the corona pandemic, one in five young people felt psychologically stressed; today it is almost one in three. Getting a place for therapy is almost impossible. Experts are calling for young people to be better supported through a “mental health” subject. by Corinna Below The high school […]

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