Cheese: How healthy is it really?  | – Guide
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Cheese: How healthy is it really? | – Guide

As of: May 17, 2024 10:53 a.m
| from the Norddeutscher Rundfunk logo

Cheese provides important nutrients such as proteins, calcium and vitamins. But it is also high in calories and often contains a lot of saturated fat and salt. The type of cheese and the amount are crucial.

by Nadine Becker

On average, every German eats almost 24 kilograms of cheese per year. Whether on bread, as a snack or for baking oven dishes – cheese is popular and healthy in moderation. It can support muscle building, strengthen teeth and bones and support our microbiome. But according to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), more than two slices per day are not recommended.

Lots of protein in mozzarella, cottage cheese and feta

Cheese contains many valuable proteins. That’s why it’s also popular with athletes, because a diet rich in protein is healthy and has a beneficial effect on building muscle. If you want to get protein primarily through cheese, it’s best to use mozzarella, feta and cottage cheese. They are low in calories and particularly rich in protein. But the food also contains other important nutrients such as calcium and A and B vitamins.

Emmental cheese is rich in calcium

Calcium can help strengthen bones and teeth, it is important for the transmission of stimuli in our nervous system and muscles and keeps our cell walls stable. Emmental cheese, for example, is particularly rich in calcium. Just two slices of it cover the recommended daily amount of the mineral. But Parmesan and Gouda are also rich in calcium.

Lots of vitamin B2 in ricotta, Camembert, mountain cheese and Emmental cheese

When it comes to vitamins, cheese mainly contains vitamin A and vitamin B2, B5 and B12. In this country, milk and milk products such as cheese are the main source of vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin. The vitamin is important for cell function, but also for growth and development. In the body, as a component of enzymes, it is involved in numerous metabolic processes. Whey cheeses such as ricotta, Camembert, mountain cheese and Emmental are particularly high in riboflavin. It is estimated that up to 20 percent of older people in Europe suffer from a deficiency of this vitamin. Vitamin B5, also called pantothenic acid, is mainly found in soft cheese. Like riboflavin, it is involved in many metabolic processes in the body.

High in fat, high in calories and salt

Despite the many healthy ingredients, you should eat cheese in moderation because it is rich in fats. It is also often high in calories and contains a lot of salt. However, this is not the case for all types, so it is worth comparing the different types of cheese in terms of their nutritional values ​​and salt content.

Lots of salt in feta, gouda and parmesan

High salt consumption promotes cardiovascular problems such as the development of high blood pressure and should therefore be avoided. The salt content is particularly high in blue cheese and brine-ripened cheeses such as feta. Long-ripened cheeses such as Parmesan and Gouda also contain a relatively high amount of salt. This is where conscious consumption as a luxury food comes in handy.

Crystals in cheese: No salt, but amino acid tyrosine

Cheese lovers know the phenomenon: small white crystal-like dots can be found in some, especially older cheeses. However, these are not salt crystals, as is often assumed, but rather so-called tyrosine crystals. Tyrosine is an amino acid, i.e. a building block of proteins. During the ripening process of cheese, these proteins are broken down. This allows individual amino acids such as tyrosine to be released. Under certain conditions, tyrosine tends to crystallize and small, white crystals form in the cheese. The same phenomenon also occurs with air-dried ham.

Camembert, mountain cheese and cheddar contain a lot of fat

It’s also worth taking a closer look at the fat content. Because cheese usually contains a lot of fat. These include both healthy unsaturated fatty acids and the significantly less healthy saturated fatty acids. The latter have a negative impact on cholesterol levels, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and promote inflammation in the body. Cheeses that are high in fat and therefore also high in calories are Camembert, butter cheese, Gouda, Gorgonzola, mountain cheese, Cheddar and Parmesan.

Low-fat alternative: Harz cheese and co

Mozzarella, feta and especially sour milk cheese are low in fat. The latter are made from skimmed milk, which is first processed into sour milk quark – hence the name. Their dry matter fat content is less than ten percent, making them lean cheeses. Representatives of this category are Harz cheese, Mainz cheese, hand cheese and basket cheese.

fat i. Tr. – detect the fat content of cheese

In contrast to other foods, the fat content of cheese is always stated in the dry matter. This is abbreviated as “Fett i. Tr.” on the packaging. The value indicates how much fat is contained in the cheese if all liquid were removed from it and is used to divide cheese into different fat categories, such as lean, half-fat, cream and double-fat. However, the fat content in the dry matter is higher than the actual absolute fat content in the cheese, because the latter depends on the water content of the respective cheese. The absolute fat content can be calculated by multiplying the “fat in dry matter” value by 0.3 to 0.7, depending on the type of cheese (cream cheese x 0.3; hard cheese x 0.7). But it’s easier to look at the absolute fat content in the nutritional table on the back.

Recommendation: A maximum of two slices of cheese per day

In 2024, the German Nutrition Society (DGE) published new nutritional recommendations and also adjusted the recommendation for cheese consumption in Germany. She currently advises a maximum of two servings of milk or milk products per day. This corresponds to 500 grams of milk or around 50 to 60 grams of cheese. Since a normally cut slice of cheese weighs around 30 grams, this corresponds to a maximum of two slices of cheese per day if no other dairy products are consumed. This takes into account the fat, salt and calorie content as well as the ecological footprint of the food, because the CO2 balance of cheese production is poor and cheese is therefore not very climate-friendly.

Raw milk cheese beneficial for microbiome

Cheese made from pasteurized milk is frowned upon by cheese lovers. The accusation: Pasteurized cheese is “dead” and no longer has anything to do with the original craft product and cultural asset of cheese. This refers to the ultra-high heating of milk before cheese is made from it – so-called pasteurization. The milk is heated to over 72 degrees Celsius for a short time (15 seconds to a few minutes). This kills microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi in the natural product. This allows the milk to last longer and prevents the transmission of potentially pathogenic germs. The process also kills all naturally occurring, non-disease-causing microorganisms, such as lactic acid bacteria. This means that the positive effect of cheese on the intestinal microbiome, the bacterial colonization of our intestines, is lost. It is positively influenced by raw milk cheese and becomes more diverse. A healthy microbiome is important for our immune system, protects against allergies, stimulates intestinal movement and is central to regulated bowel movements.

No raw milk cheese during pregnancy

Raw milk cheese should not be consumed during pregnancy as germs that can potentially cause illness to mother and child can be transmitted. These include listeria, for example. These are bacteria that can cause what is known as listeriosis. People with healthy immune systems rarely become ill through contact with the bacteria. However, pregnant women are at increased risk of illness and the bacteria could also be passed on to the child. This can lead to miscarriages, premature births or stillbirths or to an infection of the newborn with serious consequences such as pneumonia, meningitis or blood poisoning.

Cheese made from raw milk is always labeled

If a cheese was made from raw milk, this must be stated on the product. If there is no special indication “made from raw milk”, the cheese can be safely consumed by pregnant women. Pregnant women should also avoid other types of cheese such as soft cheese, semi-solid blue cheese such as Gorgonzola, cheese with surface smear such as Munster, Limburger, Handkäse or Tilsiter, as they can also contain potentially pathogenic bacteria.

Which cheese if you are lactose intolerant?

Even people with lactose intolerance don’t have to go without cheese. Cheeses and hard cheeses that have matured for a particularly long time can be eaten almost without hesitation. As it ripens, the milk sugar in the cheese, lactose, is increasingly broken down. The longer the ripening time, the lower the lactose content. Cheeses that are suitable for lactose intolerant people are Parmesan, Emmental or Gouda. It’s best to test for yourself which types of cheese can be eaten without any symptoms. It is recommended to always consume dairy products in small portions throughout the day and with a meal.

Myth or truth: Does cheese really close your stomach?

It’s true: Cheese can help you feel full. When the protein- and fat-rich cheese eaten reaches the first section of the small intestine, the enterohormone GIP (Gastric Inhibitory Peptide) is released into the bloodstream. This causes us to feel full via receptors in the central nervous system. In addition, another enterohormone, secretin, is released. It delays gastric emptying into the small intestine. As a result, the stomach feels fuller, which can also help you feel full.

Further information

Various types of cheese on a wooden board. © Colourbox Photo: -

Cheese is one of the most versatile dairy products. How do the varieties differ and which ones are good for cooking? more

Natural yogurt in a blue bowl © fotolia Photo: ji_images

Yoghurt, quark and skyr contain a lot of high-quality protein and calcium and differ not only in taste. more

Arranged on a round plate are root vegetables, artichoke, chicory, onion, garlic, kefir, herb quark, kimchi and spices.  Next to it is a board: "Gut healthy" © NDR Photo: Claudia Timmann

A healthy intestinal flora has a positive effect on our overall health and well-being. How can you promote them? more

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NDR television | Visit | May 21, 2024 8:15 p.m


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