Nutrition expert: 7 healthy foods for the brain and gut
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Nutrition expert: 7 healthy foods for the brain and gut

Foods like berries, chocolate, greens and nuts contribute to a healthy gut while protecting your brain.

Foods like berries, chocolate, greens and nuts contribute to a healthy gut while protecting your brain.
Courtesy of MasterClass/Getty Images/Cathy Scola

Dr. Uma Naidoo is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and professional chef.

She explains why a healthy diet helps promote beneficial bacteria in the gut that support the brain.

Simple staples like fresh herbs and leafy greens are great. The same goes for blueberries.

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According to a doctor and nutritionist, you can get a younger brain and a healthier gut by stocking up on a few basic ingredients from your local grocery store.

Dr. Uma Naidoo is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and professional chef who is featured in a new brain health course from MasterClass. The course offers simple tips to improve memory and concentration while also preventing age-related cognitive decline.

She told Business Insider (BI) that the diet can significantly improve brain health and mood while supporting the digestive system.

That’s because the brain and gut are closely connected—so much so that the gut is a major producer of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which we need to maintain mental health and cognitive function.

“Most people think of the brain as a concept that lies above the neck and has nothing to do with the rest of the body, but gut health is also crucial,” says Naidoo.

The result of the brain-gut connection is that a healthy diet is a double win for your health, and you don’t need expensive superfoods or supplements to do it. Naidoo’s favorite brain-stimulating foods include yogurt, dark chocolate, and fresh herbs.

“The first and most important thing I want people to learn from this class is that healthy food can be delicious,” she says. “All you have to do is add very simple, easily accessible ingredients, whether it’s leafy greens or herbs and spices.”

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Yoghurt and cottage cheese are rich in protein and gut-friendly probiotics

Two of the main staples in Naidoo’s fridge are plain yogurt and cottage cheese, which are known probiotic foods. They are packed with beneficial bacteria from the fermentation process that can help support the friendly microorganisms in the human digestive system. Both yogurt and cottage cheese are good sources of protein that promote satiety.

To make yogurt or cottage cheese a healthy breakfast or snack, it’s important to be careful about what you mix into it. Many pre-made products or additives like cereal are high in sugar, which has been linked to potential health problems, including an increased risk of anxiety and depression.

Naidoo says she makes her own brain granola (the recipe is included in her book) with hearty oats, seeds as a source of healthy fats and a little honey for natural sweetness.

Nuts and berries contain a lot of fiber and are a healthy snack

Popular snacks like chips and pastries are processed foods that have been shown to affect mood and brain function. Naidoo’s favorite snacks are instead nuts and berries, which are high in fiber and thus keep the digestive system healthy.

Berries are often recommended for brain health as part of eating plans like the MIND diet because they are rich in disease-fighting compounds called antioxidants. “We want to eat antioxidants because they fight off oxidative stress in the body and brain,” says Naidoo.

Leafy vegetables can keep your brain younger

Another easy way to eat healthier, says Naidoo, is to add a few servings of green leafy vegetables to meals. Items like spinach and kale contain high amounts of nutrients like vitamin K and folate, and research suggests they are linked to healthier aging.

Also look for “microgreens” like cress, rocket and pea shoots. They are easy to mix into recipes like salads and provide additional vitamins and minerals. “When I see ‘microgreens’, especially in summer, I try to buy them because they make my salad more nutritious,” says Naidoo.

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Dark chocolate is a dessert that boosts the brain

Brain food can also consist of treats, says Naidoo. Dark chocolate offers an abundance of minerals and a certain type of nutrients, flavanols, which are associated with cognitive benefits.

“It is not only a healthy food for the brain, but also contains little sugar. Instead of a chocolate bar, I get my patients used to eating small pieces of extra dark, natural chocolate,” says Naidoo.

For best results, avoid products with high sugar or other additives and look for a high cocoa content (at least 70 percent) to get the most benefit from your chocolate. Moderation is also important, as research shows that too much sugar and/or calories can cancel out the potential health benefits.

Naidoo added that chocolate can be even more nutritious when combined with citrus fruits such as oranges or clementines, as vitamin C promotes iron absorption in the body.

Fresh herbs like basil and parsley add nutrients and make healthy food delicious

Naidoo’s training as a professional chef has taught her that healthy food can be delicious, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Stocking up on fresh herbs like basil and parsley can boost the flavor and reap even more healthy benefits.

In the MasterClass on Brain Health, Naidoo shares recipes for brain-boosting foods like cauliflower that you can make at home. Over time, you can explore your favorite herbs and spices to find flavors and recipes that suit your tastes and support your health.

“The most important thing is that people understand how easy healthy food can be and that it is delicious without having to sacrifice taste,” says Naidoo.

Read the original article on Business Insider.

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