Healthy nutrition: How blood values ​​can benefit
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Healthy nutrition: How blood values ​​can benefit

Blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.:Improve blood values ​​​​with nutrition

by Christina-Maria Pfersdorf

What you eat also influences your blood values. What they reveal about your state of health and how you can specifically improve your blood values ​​with the right diet.

Cholesterol-lowering oatmeal drink

Nutritionist Brigitte Bäuerlein explains what to look out for when it comes to blood fats such as cholesterol and how to reduce high levels.07.03.2024 | 7:28 min

Understanding laboratory values ​​correctly – that is the motto of today’s Healthy Eating Day, which the Association for Nutrition and Dietetics eV proclaims every year on March 7th. Because: Laboratory values ​​do not only provide information about whether diseases are present. Many parameters can also indicate a certain risk of disease. By changing your diet and lifestyle, you can often improve things a lot.

Searching for clues in the laboratory

:What blood values ​​reveal

Blood tests provide important information about health. And they are important for detecting diseases. However, blood tests also have limitations. An overview.

by Jennifer Gesslein

On a table in a laboratory there are Petri dishes and sample containers filled with blood samples.

Blood sugar as a risk for diabetes

The blood sugar level indicates the sugar content in the blood. It fluctuates throughout the day, depending on food intake. Most often, the fasting blood sugar level is checked in the morning, i.e. how high the glucose level in the blood is after a break of at least eight hours without eating. It should ideally be between 70 and 100 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl).

If blood sugar levels are abnormal, the HbA1c value, the long-term sugar, is checked. It is the blood sugar memory, so to speak, and provides information about the average blood sugar level of the past few weeks. In healthy people, the HbA1c is between 5.7 and 6.4 percent or 39 to 46 millimoles per mole (mmol/mol).

Increased blood sugar levels

:Prediabetes – detect and treat earlier

In prediabetes, the blood sugar level is not yet in the pathological range. Nevertheless, experts warn of the risks. Why it can be important to act early.

by Markus Böhle

Two bowls of sugar are on a table.

How to lower blood sugar

Especially when it comes to blood sugar, nutritionist Brigitte Bäuerlein often sees quick results in her practice after a change in diet.

Avoiding added sugar in foods and simple carbohydrates can help improve blood sugar levels.

Dr. Brigitte Bäuerlein, nutritionist

In addition, complex carbohydrates, such as those found in whole grain products, oatmeal, legumes or vegetables, cause blood sugar levels to rise slowly. This prevents blood sugar spikes. The pancreas has to produce less insulin. Regular exercise also improves the values. And losing weight. “A healthy weight and losing excess kilos has a big effect on blood sugar,” says the nutrition expert.

Food check

:How healthy are oatmeal really?

There is currently a lot of discussion about oat flakes on social media channels – are they healthy or not? Two experts explain what is really in the flakes.

Oats and oat flakes

Blood fats dangerous for the vessels

Cholesterol and triglycerides are important blood fats. However, in high concentrations they can lead to dangerous vascular deposits, arteriosclerosis and, as a result, cardiovascular diseases.

LDL is often referred to as “bad” cholesterol and HDL as “good” cholesterol. The ratio of LDL to HDL determines the risk of atherosclerosis.

For people with a low risk of cardiovascular disease, the LDL value should be below 116 mg/dl. For HDL, a value of over 40 mg/dl is recommended.

The total cholesterol level indicates how much cholesterol is in the entire bloodstream. A high value is rather unfavorable. It should not exceed 200 mg/dl.

Triglycerides and cholesterol are produced in the body, but also come from food. A normal triglyceride level is typically below 150 mg/dl. The balance between absorption, formation and breakdown can be disturbed for various reasons and lead to an increase in triglycerides.

Reading laboratory values ​​correctly

Which values ​​play a role in blood lipids and how they are measured.07.03.2024 | 2:29 min

Nutrition expert Bäuerlein advises that you should choose the right fats to ensure good blood lipid levels. These include unsaturated fatty acids from nuts, avocados and fatty fish. Saturated fatty acids from animal products, on the other hand, should be reduced.

The influence of diet also has its limits. In some cases, a change in diet may not bring any improvement.

Dr. Brigitte Bäuerlein, nutritionist

If other risk factors are present, you should talk to your doctor about taking certain medications, says Bäuerlein.

Healthy legumes

:What makes peas, lentils & co. so valuable

Pulses have a lot to offer: They are not only high in protein, but also high in fiber. Growing them also has benefits for the climate.

by Birgit Hermes and Finn Gabriel

Dried lentils, chickpeas and beans are arranged next to each other in bowls.

Iron as a vital nutrient

Iron is an essential trace element that is essential for the formation of red blood pigment (hemoglobin) and the transport of oxygen in the body.

You should have your iron levels checked if you show symptoms of iron deficiency such as fatigue or poor performance.

Dr. Brigitte Bäuerlein, nutritionist

Iron deficiency is one of the most common deficiency symptoms worldwide. To determine iron deficiency, the levels of iron, ferritin and transferrin in the blood should always be determined.

Important iron values ​​and their significance

Iron-rich foods such as red meat, legumes, oatmeal and green leafy vegetables prevent iron deficiency. They should be on the menu regularly. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption.
Christina-Maria Pfersdorf is editor of the ZDF program “Full pot – Service daily”.

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