How a healthy diet can promote longevity
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How a healthy diet can promote longevity

Food and longevity:Growing old healthily with the right diet

by Christina-Maria Pfersdorf

More and more people could live to 100 – nutritional doctor Andreas Michalsen is convinced of this and reveals what can contribute to being able to grow old healthily.

A woman bites into an apple.

A healthy diet and sufficient exercise can have a positive impact on life in old age. What you should pay attention to if you want to live a long, healthy life.

Source: imago/Elmar Gubisch

“About 15 additional healthy years of life are possible today.” Andreas Michalsen, Germany’s well-known nutritional doctor and fasting expert, is convinced of this. Many people today live to be 90 years old, but for most, the last years of their lives are marked by illness and pain.

Talk with Andreas Michalsen

Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen provides information on the topics of longevity, nutrition and fasting. The nutritional doctor also explains how you can live a long and healthy life through the right diet.20.06.2024 | 31:31 min

Scientists like him speak of the “lost decade”. “After 80, it’s no longer fun because the only thing that keeps growing is the number of pills and the number of doctor’s visits,” says Michalsen. But that doesn’t have to be the case, says the doctor, given what we know today.

Theoretically, we have the possibility to reduce the phase of life that is characterized by illness to a minimum.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen, nutritional physician and fasting expert

Counteracting diseases with nutrition

Prof. Dr.  Andreas Michalsen

Source: Immanuel Albertinen Diakonie/Brigitta Brandt

… is an internist and researches, teaches and practices at the Charité and the Immanuel Hospital in Berlin. His main areas of focus are nutritional medicine, therapeutic fasting and so-called mind-body medicine, which focuses on stress reduction and helping people to help themselves. Andreas Michalsen is also the author of bestsellers and guides on the subject of naturopathy, in which fasting is an important aspect.

As far as nutrition is concerned, Andreas Michalsen sums up the research as follows: “As natural and vegetarian as possible, reduce sugar and protein, or increase the latter from the age of 65.” How high the amount of protein should be depends on the phase of life you are in: “Very young and older people need more. In the middle phase of life, however, the protein requirement is lower.”

While proteins promote muscle growth, vitality and fertility, they also accelerate cell aging. As we age, however, muscle maintenance is clearly the most important thing: “What use are healthy cells if the body’s framework no longer functions?”

Malik Boettcher

“Overall, proteins are an important part of our diet,” says general practitioner and diabetologist Malik Böttcher. However, he warns against excessive consumption.09.08.2023 | 5:16 min

Focus on “life-extending” foods

The top spots for what Michalsen calls life-extending foods are pulses, whole grains and nuts. Meat, sausages, sweetened drinks, eggs and white flour products should be significantly reduced or avoided.

According to Andreas Michalsen, these are:

  1. Whole grains
  2. Legumes such as beans, lentils, peas
  3. Apples and berries
  4. Yoghurt (also vegan)
  5. olive oil
  6. Onions and garlic
  7. Cabbage such as broccoli or kale
  8. Wheat germ
  9. Plenty of spices
  10. coffee and tea
  11. Mushrooms and Tempeh
  12. nuts

Less “eats” more

Not only what we eat, but also how much we eat has an enormous impact on our health. “Fewer calories are the strongest factor for healthy longevity,” says the nutritionist. Our body’s biology is not set up to have food available around the clock. This is why Michalsen also recommends fasting. Either in the form of daily intermittent fasting or a therapeutic fast lasting several days.

What to look out for

:Five tips for successful fasting

It’s Lent again. A good way to start is with a fasting cure lasting several days, where you fast on vegetable broth and juices. Andreas Michalsen explains what you should pay attention to.

by Christina-Maria Pfersdorf

Vegetables and vegetable juice
During the fasting days or even the fasting hours, the body can devote itself to what is known as autophagy. This involves getting rid of old or damaged cell components and proteins. Temporary abstinence from food also has a positive effect on illnesses that affect the quality of life. In addition to moderate weight loss, blood pressure and blood sugar levels, for example, stabilize.

Different fasting methods

Exercise keeps you young

4,000 steps a day are already ‘bronze’, 10,000 are ‘gold’!

Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen, nutritional physician and fasting expert

Exercise for the heart and circulation

:Three tips for growing old healthily

Staying healthy and fit doesn’t always require intensive exercise. Regular exercise also helps young people minimize their risk of cardiovascular disease.

by Thorsten Siegmund

Man doing push-ups on jetty

Nutrition and cancer

As a doctor, Michalsen is confronted with serious illnesses every day in the hospital: “I have humility and respect. There are enough fatal illnesses, no matter how healthy you live.” Nevertheless, Michalsen is convinced that types of cancer such as colon cancer and a third of breast cancer can be prevented with the right lifestyle. According to estimates, the proportion of all types of cancer that can be traced back to an unhealthy diet is around 30 percent.
Christina-Maria Pfersdorf is editor of the ZDF program “Full pot– Service daily”.

More prevention required

:Experts: Obesity increases cancer risk

The figures are clear, but few people know that being overweight can increase the risk of developing cancer. German professional associations are therefore calling for more prevention.

Severely overweight woman

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