Brandenburg Berlin: Many caring relatives face existential worries and poverty

Status: 27.05.2024 09:03 a.m. Being in need of care is not only stressful for those affected, but also for the people who look after them. One in five family carers is at risk of poverty, and one in four women caring for their children is at risk. Politicians are called upon to act. By Christina […]

8 mins read

Lauterbach sees “explosive” increase in the number of people in need of care

According to Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD), the number of people in need of care in Germany is rising unexpectedly quickly. “Demographically, only an increase of around 50,000 people would have been expected in 2023. But in reality, the Plus over 360,000Lauterbach told the “RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland” and added: “We do not yet fully understand […]

8 mins read

My way out of the darkness of a gay abusive relationship

Suddenly depression! IWWIT employee Jeff Mannes had to deal with this. IWWIT (I Know What I’m Doing) is the nationwide gay prevention campaign run by the German AIDS Aid organization. However, he couldn’t understand why he suddenly had depression. Until his closest friend suspected that his partner was a narcissist. He has now published the […]

8 mins read

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach in an RND interview about financing care and rising contributions

Mr Lauterbach, there is a lot of talk about your hospital reform, including the planned strengthening of family doctors. But there are also many problems with nursing care insurance: Due to the shortage of skilled workers, finding a nursing service or a place in a home is becoming increasingly difficult. In addition, costs are rising […]

13 mins read

Get rid of pain with the right diet

Three recipes with anti-inflammatory effects Get rid of pain with the right diet – this is how it can work! A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit and low in processed foods prevents inflammation. 26 May 2024 around 20:59 Clock from Nora Rieder Eating without any problems – is that possible? From arthritis to […]

11 mins read

Only one egg per week? What is now considered healthy

Hamburg. New nutritional recommendations in Germany. How Dr. Matthias Riedl assesses them and which strict standards apply to alcohol. Do we all have to rethink things now? The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recently issued new recommendations on the consumption of dairy, meat and plant products as well as sweets and snacks. The nutritional doctor […]

11 mins read

Nutrition: Cheers to pulses

What traditionally ends up on German plates is often not the best choice. Neither for the eaters nor for the planet they live on. A different diet would be good for our health and would also be more resource-efficient, as the German Nutrition Society (DGE) recently found in its new recommendations for omnivores, i.e. people […]

8 mins read