Trend researcher Tristan Horx: This is what the diet of the future will look like

In the age of social media, self-optimization is very popular among the younger generations. Those who live healthily and eat a balanced diet also look great – that’s the logic behind the phenomenon. Trend researcher Tristan Horx is convinced that the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle is no longer just about the need for recognition. […]

7 mins read

Get rid of pain with the right diet

Three recipes with anti-inflammatory effects Get rid of pain with the right diet – this is how it can work! A diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruit and low in processed foods prevents inflammation. 26 May 2024 around 20:59 Clock from Nora Rieder Eating without any problems – is that possible? From arthritis to […]

11 mins read

Nutrition: Cheers to pulses

What traditionally ends up on German plates is often not the best choice. Neither for the eaters nor for the planet they live on. A different diet would be good for our health and would also be more resource-efficient, as the German Nutrition Society (DGE) recently found in its new recommendations for omnivores, i.e. people […]

8 mins read

Only one egg per week? What is now considered healthy

Hamburg. New nutritional recommendations in Germany. How Dr. Matthias Riedl assesses them and which strict standards apply to alcohol. Do we all have to rethink things now? The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recently issued new recommendations on the consumption of dairy, meat and plant products as well as sweets and snacks. The nutritional doctor […]

11 mins read

Popular foods get your metabolism going quickly in the morning

FOCUS online/Wochit Delicious and healthy: perfect your breakfast with these ingredients Pepper, ginger and turmeric are known to boost the metabolism – but do you want these spices for breakfast? Not really. Instead, you’d rather have warm porridge, which also boosts the metabolism thanks to the high fiber content in the oats. And these breakfast […]

10 mins read