“Do what your mother told you”

How old will I be? Many people are concerned about this question at the latest when a long-time companion suddenly dies before their time. The development of average life expectancy in this country seems to have only followed one direction for decades: upwards. Recently, however, the trend has lost some of its momentum, as Roland […]

12 mins read

Sarah Wiener in an interview: “Nutrition is the pillar of our health”

Millions of people know her as a successful television chef – as a politician, Sarah Wiener, 61, campaigned in the EU Parliament for fewer pesticides in the fields. The Green MP is no longer standing for election, but she remains committed to good food. In the interview, Sarah Wiener talks about her experiences in politics, […]

9 mins read

Healthy Eating: Why Nutrition Studies Are Complex

Nutritional studies are not subject to the same standards as medicine. Nevertheless, nutritional research is becoming a hard science. Healthy, balanced diet Photo: Robert Schlossnickel/plainpicture Intermittent fasting, green smoothies, oat cleanse – many people are interested in healthy food. According to a survey by the Techniker Krankenkasse from 2023, nine out of ten people find […]

9 mins read

Nutrition of the future – Will we soon be eating meat and chocolate from the laboratory? – Knowledge

Tilo Hühn grew up on a farm and later worked as a farmer. Today he has largely swapped green nature for gray laboratories. As a professor of food technology, he researches the nutrition of the future at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Among other things, he came up with the idea for two […]

13 mins read

Vegan food pyramid: This is what a balanced vegan diet looks like

Author: Benita Wintermantel/editorial team (lw) | Category: Food and Drink | April 29, 2024 Photo: Shutterstock/marilyn barbone The vegan food pyramid shows how an animal-free diet can work in a balanced manner and without nutrient deficiencies. We explain the structure of the vegan food pyramid – it shows which nutrients are important in a plant-based […]

10 mins read