Train muscles and lose fat: tips from an expert

It sounds strange, but tacos, flatbreads and burritos are great for a balanced diet.anandaBGD A 29-year-old American does sports every day and eats a lot of carbohydrates. At Business Insider, nutritionist Jaclyn London reveals how he can improve his diet. London recommends a rich breakfast consisting of yogurt, nuts and fruit to help build muscles. […]

10 mins read

Nutrition: Oatmeal, bread or egg – this is how the body decides what we have for breakfast

EObservation: For breakfast there are rolls with jam or bread with cheese, sausage. Or muesli or oatmeal. Or boiled egg or fried egg. And the next day, as a matter of course, there is the same thing, bread or eggs or cereal, and then again and again. Often all parameters have to be adhered to […]

13 mins read

Unilever expects “improvement” in nutrition volumes from Q2

Unilever corporate logo. Credit: QubixStudio / Shutterstock Unilever is confident sales volumes from its nutrition business will grow again in the second quarter as the negative effects of portfolio cuts in its Europe market start to ease. Speaking to analysts after Unilever reported its first-quarter results today (25 April), CEO Hein Schumacher said the group […]

6 mins read

Intermittent fasting: This is how healthy weight loss works | – Guide

As of: April 17, 2024 1:40 p.m | from the Norddeutscher Rundfunk logo Losing weight and keeping it off – intermittent fasting is supposed to make this easier. Longer breaks are taken between meals. How do the 16:8, 5:2 and 1:1 methods differ and who are they suitable for? Intermittent fasting is the most important […]

11 mins read

Nutrition in sedentary times: Interview with Lydia Wilkens

More and more people are not moving enough. Ecotrophologist Lydia Wilkens explains how the diet can best be adapted to this. On average, Germans sit for over nine hours per working day. This comes from the current report German health insurance out. When people move less, it can affect their health. Nutrition also plays a […]

11 mins read

Nutrition: What role does the time of day play when eating? | Guide | We in Bavaria | BR Television | Television

It was previously assumed that the time of day had no influence on metabolism and that it therefore made no difference when a calorie was consumed during the day. However, surveys of overweight subjects showed that weight control throughout the day was more larger breakfast easier and the feeling of fullness lasts longer throughout the […]

8 mins read

Saving the climate with nutrition – What consumers can do

Is the vegetable burger from the US manufacturer produced in a more environmentally friendly way than the chicken from the organic farm in the neighboring village? This is the question asked by many consumers who are ready to change their eating habits for the climate. Download Audio (26.3 MB | MP3) Demand: Halve meat consumption […]

9 mins read

Diet for endometriosis: little meat, lots of greens | – Guide

Status: 11.03.2024 08:00 a.m. Endometriosis is caused by a chronic inflammatory process, so you should eat as little meat as possible. Foods that are not tolerated or foods that are high in histamine can also make symptoms worse. Endometriosis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease that affects millions of women in Germany. Hormone therapy is […]

10 mins read

How does healthy eating work? | pharmacy magazine

Fat makes you fat, that’s what food experts have been preaching for decades. In order to feel full, you should consume plenty of carbohydrates. Today the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society (DGE) look different and are more differentiated. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Watzl, DGE President and head of the DGE working group on food-related nutritional […]

9 mins read