Intestinal expert gives clear recommendation for healthy breakfast

Berlin. Porridge, yogurt or cheese sandwich in the morning? What rule you should follow at breakfast and how many cups of coffee are healthy. Some people like a hearty breakfast with rolls, sausage and cheese, others prefer yoghurt and fruit. Still others swear by classic porridge, which has become extremely popular in recent years and […]

9 mins read

Nutrition: A surprising amount is decided by the body, which shows specific needs at breakfast

EObservation: For breakfast there are rolls with jam or bread with cheese, sausage. Or muesli or oatmeal. Or boiled egg or fried egg. And the next day, as a matter of course, there is the same thing, bread or eggs or cereal, and then again and again. Often all parameters have to be adhered to […]

13 mins read

Nutrition: Oatmeal, bread or egg – this is how the body decides what we have for breakfast

EObservation: For breakfast there are rolls with jam or bread with cheese, sausage. Or muesli or oatmeal. Or boiled egg or fried egg. And the next day, as a matter of course, there is the same thing, bread or eggs or cereal, and then again and again. Often all parameters have to be adhered to […]

13 mins read