This is how research aims to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: …

This is how research aims to reduce mental illnesses in children and adolescents: DZPG targets risk factors Berlin, 24.6.2024 – Up to 20 percent of children and young people in Germany have a mental disorder. But not all children are equally at risk. At the German Center for Mental Health (DZPG), many projects are being […]

10 mins read

Nutrition: “We do not recommend a vegan diet for children”

MIt makes tired men cheerful? The pleasant-sounding advertising slogan from the post-war years in West Germany sounds out of date today. In addition to flexitarians who consciously eat less meat, there are more and more Germans who drink less cow’s milk out of conviction. Experts see this abstinence from milk as more than just a […]

9 mins read

Goodbye peanut allergy: How to protect your children effectively

31.05.2024, 17:02 4 mins For years it was thought that children prone to allergies should avoid peanut products. Now a study shows the opposite: early habituation can protect against allergies – in the long term The results of this long-term study turn previous recommendations on how to deal with allergies on their head: Early contact […]

9 mins read

Veganism: Vegan diet for children: Be sure to supplement nutrients

Another advantage of a vegan diet: it wouldn’t be so fun with tomato pasta. Photo: photocase/nailiaschwarz There is currently a heated debate about whether children can be safely fed a vegan diet. What do you think? A vegan diet leads to nutrient deficiencies if you don’t take additional supplements. The risk of such deficiencies is […]

8 mins read

Fitness in primary school age: Our children are so unathletic

Children are less athletic and less mobile than in the years before the pandemic. The Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation has published its new fitness barometer – with these results. On the day that the Children’s Gymnastics Foundation of the State of Baden-Württemberg announces how worrying the fitness of three to ten year olds is, not […]

9 mins read

Fitness in primary school age: How unathletic our children are

Children are less athletic and less mobile than in the years before the pandemic. The Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation has published its new fitness barometer – with these results. On the day that the Baden-Württemberg Children’s Gymnastics Foundation announced how worrying the fitness of three- to ten-year-olds was, not a single child at Michelfeld Elementary […]

9 mins read