Live longer: Longevity expert reveals 3 nutritional tips

Dr. Joseph Antoun believes that our diet has the greatest influence on our longevity.Getty Images/ L-Nutra Diet plays a major role in our health and longevity, Joseph Antoun, doctor and CEO of L-Nutra, tells Business Insider A healthy diet could protect us from some of the leading causes of death, including heart disease. Antoun follows […]

5 mins read

Nutrition expert names “the biggest deficits” of vegans

Markus Keller is one of the leading experts in plant-based nutrition. He explains to Utopia why vegans should pay more attention to their iodine and calcium consumption and which plant-based foods can help. When it comes to critical nutrients in a vegan diet, vitamin B12 is often mentioned first. There is no other nutrient for […]

10 mins read

Intestinal expert gives clear recommendation for healthy breakfast

Berlin. Porridge, yogurt or cheese sandwich in the morning? What rule you should follow at breakfast and how many cups of coffee are healthy. Some people like a hearty breakfast with rolls, sausage and cheese, others prefer yoghurt and fruit. Still others swear by classic porridge, which has become extremely popular in recent years and […]

9 mins read

Nutrition expert names “the biggest deficits” of vegans

Markus Keller is one of the leading experts in plant-based nutrition. He explains to Utopia why vegans should pay more attention to their iodine and calcium consumption and which plant-based foods can help. When it comes to critical nutrients in a vegan diet, vitamin B12 is often mentioned first. There is no other nutrient for […]

10 mins read

Nutrition expert names “the biggest deficits” of vegans

Markus Keller is one of the leading experts in plant-based nutrition. He explains to Utopia why vegans should pay more attention to their iodine and calcium consumption and which plant-based foods can help. When it comes to critical nutrients in a vegan diet, vitamin B12 is often mentioned first. There is no other nutrient for […]

10 mins read

Expert reveals secret recipe against premature skin aging

Berlin. With the right diet you can “pep up your skin,” says nutritionist Dr. Riedl. The key: an anti-inflammatory diet. Beauty comes from within – this saying can be taken literally when it comes to our skin health. The most effective way to achieve flawless, radiant skin is diet. What we eat and drink every […]

10 mins read

Nutrition expert: 7 healthy foods for the brain and gut

Foods like berries, chocolate, greens and nuts contribute to a healthy gut while protecting your brain.Courtesy of MasterClass/Getty Images/Cathy Scola Dr. Uma Naidoo is a Harvard-trained psychiatrist and professional chef. She explains why a healthy diet helps promote beneficial bacteria in the gut that support the brain. Simple staples like fresh herbs and leafy greens […]

8 mins read