Good for health and the environment: The benefits of a plant-based diet

Good for health and the environment: The benefits of a plant-based diet Many families are increasingly adopting a flexitarian diet. June 5, 2024 around 12:51 Clock Nutritionist explains Awareness of a balanced and sustainable diet has increased significantly in recent years – and is more relevant than ever. Healthy, varied food is not only good […]

9 mins read

Mental health: Is repression good after all?

Contents Read on one page ContentsUnfold page 1Is repression good after all? Page 2Does this also work with memories? Repression has a bad reputation. A widespread idea goes that anyone who pushes away and buries unpleasant memories, experiences or painful thoughts can harm their psyche. It was the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who coined the term […]

9 mins read