Flat stomach without exercising? Tips for visible weight loss without sweating

A chic crop top with new jeans? If only there weren’t a few annoying rolls of fat peeking through. On good days you love yourself the way you are, on others your problem area, your stomach, really gets on your nerves. With these tricks, tips and exercises for lazy people, the goal of a “flat […]

12 mins read

Weight loss stagnation: This helps | MEN’S HEALTH

When losing weight, you often reach a point where the scales just can’t go any further: the so-called plateau effect sets in. But you’re doing everything right, avoiding carbohydrates and staying in a calorie deficit? When you’re not losing weight, your motivation usually drops too, you suffer from cravings more and more often and are […]

13 mins read

Lack of weight loss success despite a strict diet and regular exercise? That’s why you’re not losing weight

If a diet has failed several times, you may well be asking yourself: Why am I not losing weight? There can be many reasons for this. Here you can find out what is behind it and how you can still successfully lose weight. Why am I not losing weight? Health expert Vanessa Blumhagen explains in […]

11 mins read

Intermittent fasting: This is how healthy weight loss works | NDR.de – Guide

As of: April 17, 2024 1:40 p.m | from the Norddeutscher Rundfunk logo Losing weight and keeping it off – intermittent fasting is supposed to make this easier. Longer breaks are taken between meals. How do the 16:8, 5:2 and 1:1 methods differ and who are they suitable for? Intermittent fasting is the most important […]

11 mins read