Cutting, planting and fertilizing roses | – Guide – Garden

As of: April 24, 2024 10:48 a.m It is considered the queen of flowers: the rose. Anyone who chooses the right location and has a little time for care, pruning and fertilization will be rewarded with a magnificent plant. The rose, often referred to as the queen of flowers, is an integral part of European […]

10 mins read

Intermittent fasting: This is how healthy weight loss works | – Guide

As of: April 17, 2024 1:40 p.m | from the Norddeutscher Rundfunk logo Losing weight and keeping it off – intermittent fasting is supposed to make this easier. Longer breaks are taken between meals. How do the 16:8, 5:2 and 1:1 methods differ and who are they suitable for? Intermittent fasting is the most important […]

11 mins read

Diet for endometriosis: little meat, lots of greens | – Guide

Status: 11.03.2024 08:00 a.m. Endometriosis is caused by a chronic inflammatory process, so you should eat as little meat as possible. Foods that are not tolerated or foods that are high in histamine can also make symptoms worse. Endometriosis is a painful chronic inflammatory disease that affects millions of women in Germany. Hormone therapy is […]

10 mins read

Diet for acne: Which foods are suitable? | – Guide

As of: March 4, 2024 10:00 a.m Hormones and inflammatory processes are responsible for acne – that’s why there should be less sugar, white flour products and meat on the table, and instead more anti-inflammatory and gut-healthy foods. An anti-inflammatory diet can help to reduce skin inflammation: lots of vegetables, some low-sugar fruit, high-quality vegetable […]

8 mins read

Nordic diet: How it works, what it brings | – Guide

Status: 18.02.2024 11:23 a.m. The Nordic diet is the local sister of the Mediterranean cuisine and is said to have the same anti-inflammatory effect and help with weight loss. The advantage: it is regional and sustainable. by Britta Probol For years, nutritional doctors have praised the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. protects the heart and […]

8 mins read

Diet for diabetes: Be careful with snacks | – Guide

Status: 13.02.2024 20:10 The recommendations for type 1 and type 2 diabetics are similar: when choosing foods, make sure to eat little sugar and carbohydrates – but more protein and fiber. Sugar is the substance that our body normally absorbs into the body cells with the help of insulin as an energy source. Since the […]

12 mins read

Esophageal cancer: Proper nutrition in aftercare | – Guide

As of: February 5, 2024 3:30 p.m Symptoms caused by an esophagectomy can be alleviated with a protein-rich, plant-based and low-sugar diet. This can help those affected achieve a new quality of life. The treatment of esophageal cancer has serious consequences for food intake and digestion – especially if the esophagus has to be completely […]

9 mins read

More and more young people in SH feel psychologically stressed – News

As of: January 18, 2024 3:07 p.m Before the corona pandemic, one in five young people felt psychologically stressed; today it is almost one in three. Getting a place for therapy is almost impossible. Experts are calling for young people to be better supported through a “mental health” subject. by Corinna Below The high school […]

9 mins read

Crises and fear of the future: How we strengthen our resilience | – Guide

Status: 10.10.2023 12:18 p.m. Corona, the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and most recently the attack on Israel: the constant crises scare many people. By strengthening our resilience, we can deal with them better. Tips from the expert. There was a time when bad news might shock us, but rarely affected us directly. That […]

10 mins read