Only one egg per week? What is now considered healthy

Hamburg. New nutritional recommendations in Germany. How Dr. Matthias Riedl assesses them and which strict standards apply to alcohol. Do we all have to rethink things now? The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recently issued new recommendations on the consumption of dairy, meat and plant products as well as sweets and snacks. The nutritional doctor […]

11 mins read

WIdOmonitor: Caring relatives spend an average of 49 hours per week on…

Berlin (ots) Survey shows: Almost one in four primary carers between the ages of 18 and 65 have reduced or completely given up their employment due to taking on home care Caring relatives still spend a lot of time providing care at home: While respondents reported 43 hours per week in 2019, in 2023 this […]

8 mins read